Lyr cs.

I feel like I should start off by saying this blog will not be traditional. Partly because I haven't researched what a traditional blog actually is. That was not a mistake or me being lazy, it was purposeful because I want to carve out my own path here. I simply want to create a space where I can share my understandings and perceptions that have been inspired by the lyrics of music. Every now and then I may mix it up a little bit and pick apart a quote or cliche as well if I'm feeling hyphy.
So my favorite genres of music in no particular order are gospel, real hip hop (not mumble rap), contemporary Christian, R&B, neo-soul, and rock soul. I won't get into naming my favorite artists right now. Instead, I'll let the journey unfold for you in the posts to come through the lyrics that I choose. Also, I should note that I won't always find inspiration in artists or songs that I actually like. Sometimes a part of a song will grab me despite me not being a fan of the artist or the art.
I want this to be fun, inspiring, and thought provoking. I want to stir something in you as these song lyrics stir something in me.
Lyrics. is a blog inspired by musical lyrics that strike a chord in my heart and mind. Music has always been a fundamental part of my life.
In both my work and personal life music has been a motivation to me, a mood stabilizer, and even a translator. Music has put words to my feeling and sound to my thoughts. So I share with you the pathways that I journey as certain words and sounds dance through parts of my soul.