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  • Writer's pictureArtisha Bolding

Bet you'll wanna say Hallelujah...

Bet you'll wanna say Hallelujah

Bet you'll say Amen Can't help but celebrate being born again Somebody who loves you is waiting at the door - Crowder Home sweet home. I'm welcomed in open, open arms anytime, in any condition, no matter what I look like, no matter what I've done, no matter what I feel Like. I'm always welcomed here. It's always a joy to see me, always open arms to receive me. Somebody who loves me is waiting on me here. No, I'm not talking about my house or even my mama's house. I'm talking about the House of the Lord. Outside of these doors I have been judged, I have been back'bitten, I have been thrown under the bus, I have been gossiped about. I've been excluded from things. And on the other hand, I'm a part of some exclusive organizations and I have credentials that can get me places that others can't go. So there is a big pendulum swing. But God's grace, mercy and favor levels the playing field. The house of the Lord is the place where I can be completely free- spiritually naked, emotionally unleashed no holds barred. I can be 100% my authentic self, even the ugly yucky gross parts. I am fully accepted, fully valued, fully appreciated, and fully loved. I don't have to be fearful, I can be me. I can get the help I need and I can help someone else. I can be the open vessel getting poured into a pouring right back into someone else. I don't have to be the weakest link and I don't have to be the strongest one holding everything together either. I can come in unity and harmony and peace and in love and serve as I have been called to. I can do exactly what I was born to do. Fearlessly. No doubt, no fear, no procrastination no hesitation, no trepidation. I can just go forward I can just get at it. You might be tired of hearing this (and I absolutely do not care) that is why I say I have the best church family on the planet! There is no other place in the world like New Beginning Ministries right in Beech Island, South Carolina! I can honestly go in there take off my coat, my shoes take off my wig, lay and cry in the floor, scream, holler let snot run and all. Nobody will look at me funny. Nobody will pretend that it's not happening. There are people who will run to my aid. There are people who are partnered with me in my deliverance. There are people who will make sure that I get everything that I need from God. There are people who will intercede for me, who will pray and scream even when I can't. There are people who will seek God on my behalf. In this House of the Lord, where I call home, there are people who check on me, not only to make sure that I'm okay, but to make sure that I'm not missing what God is dropping. That is so powerful! That is priceless. And I am beyond grateful to my Spiritual Dad Bishop Hezekiah Pressley, Jr. and I implore you to find where you fit physically in the Earth. You need a church home and you need a Spiritual Father. You need a voice in the Earth that will excite you, that will fire up your zeal, that will make your dreams live. You need someone to inspire you and someone to kick you in the butt when you are off track. As I type this in tears I have no idea what place emotionally and spiritually God took Crowder to when He gave him these lyrics but I am so grateful for this reminder I am so thankful to be able to share this testimony. And I'm delighted to implore you to get this. Do it now.


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